


副標題 : I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

作者 : Dr.Seuss,赦廣才

分類 : 英文

關鍵字 : 英文

柯添陽 2014-06-14

i like read this book because it was funny.

黃奕暉 2014-06-13

I love this story book, because it is able to read eyes closed., He can use a variety of colors to read, even if he was there, he can freely read. He could read with the left eye, the right eye can read, you can also close their eyes and read Mississippi password, this is a very difficult thing! Can close your eyes and I learned how to read, but this will be very bad, so eyebrows makes red and burning, so do not often play this trick. When he opened his eyes to read that can be read more quickly.

關慧楠 2014-04-27

Tell us about this story books? This story book? This storybook is, a boy, his eyes closed can be read. He put on the red, blue and green glasses can read, is very interesting. He can read where he can watch TV while reading. But over-indulge reading is not good, it will make damage to the eyes, and would let his eyes red and swollen. "Reading is to read, but do not over-indulge ah!" I really like this story book, because it is rich in content. You can also go to the school library to borrow this storybook!


ACNO C02924
索書號 CF SEU
複本總數 1
館藏位置 Library
借閱分類 Book
ISBN 9573211289
出版商 遠流
出版年份 1994
版本 1
警告 No Alert Message
小說 Y
語言 英文
科目 英文
價格 35.38
面(頁)數 40
未選擇任何檔案 選擇檔案
支援上載大小: 10mb | 檔案類型
標題:  Youtube: 




i like read this book because it was funny.
柯添陽 2014-06-14


I love this story book, because it is able to read eyes closed., He can use a variety of colors to read, even if he was there, he can freely read. He could read with the left eye, the right eye can read, you can also close their eyes and read Mississippi password, this is a very difficult thing! Can close your eyes and I learned how to read, but this will be very bad, so eyebrows makes red and burning, so do not often play this trick. When he opened his eyes to read that can be read more quickly.
黃奕暉 2014-06-13


Tell us about this story books? This story book? This storybook is, a boy, his eyes closed can be read. He put on the red, blue and green glasses can read, is very interesting. He can read where he can watch TV while reading. But over-indulge reading is not good, it will make damage to the eyes, and would let his eyes red and swollen. "Reading is to read, but do not over-indulge ah!" I really like this story book, because it is rich in content. You can also go to the school library to borrow this storybook!
關慧楠 2014-04-27


麥旭鴻 2014-04-26


This book is about monster can read a book by what funny method,for example: can read with my left eye,can read with my right eye......
l like this book because it is interesting and the ,l would like recommend this book to 1A classmates because it is so easy and there are in English do not understand and can see Chinese interpretation.
陳可橦 2014-04-26





ACNO C02924
索書號 CF SEU
館藏位置 Library
借閱分類 Book
ISBN 9573211289
出版商 遠流
出版年份 1994
版本 1

關鍵字 (1)
